Automate your GenAI Production Pipeline

Focus on building your applications while CogniSwitch automates decisions related to storage and retreival, while bringing you reliable GenAI capabilities

Traditional RAG does not guarentee accuracy

GenAI developers are running into the same problems with the traditional RAG framework. Reliability, storage, retrieval and to top it off high failure rates.

RAG was a step in the right direction, but CogniSwitch is the solution!
Dashboard mockup

CogniSwitch's  RAG framework  helps automate the Production Pipeline

Manage Vector DB
Prompt Engineering
Chunking Strategy
Plug & Play
Optimized Configuration
Automated Pipeline
Manage Vector DB
Prompt Engineering
Chunking Strategy
Plug & Play
Optimized Configuration
Automated Pipeline

Build & Ship GenAI apps faster with CogniSwitch

Our interpretation of RAG is helping developers automate the entire production pipeline while cutting down deployment times to less than 3 days.

Connect & Ingest

CogniSwitch's APIs allow you to connect your sources of knowledge, wherever or whatever form they may be in.

Storage Decision Handled

Unlike traditional RAG, CogniSwitch handles decisions related to storage, plotting the knowledge graph with data

Enhanced Retrieval

CogniSwitch is deterministic thanks to the Knowledge Graph, unlike traditional RAG that uses similarity based search.

100% Accuracy with Proof

Responses generated are grounded in facts acting as guardrails and back it up with provenance for testing

Built for AI developers

Worried about having to master a new tool? Don’t be! If you know how to make an API call, that's all you need to use CogniSwitch and bring better functionality to your applications.

With API documentation to walk you through the setup CogniSwitch is a worthy addition to a developer's arsenal  

3 Simple Steps to get started

Click on the button below!
Signup on the platform to get your API tokens
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Now Available on LangChain and LlamaIndex

Use our APIs seamlessly connect with your favourite tools, Plugin to sources where your data resides to ingest your resident knowledge

GitHub Repository

The perfect tool for building GenAI applications

CogniSwitch Automates the GenAI pipeline in 4 simple steps


Whether it's documents, URLs or a cloud drive, seamlessly connect your sources of knowledge. Upload any form of unstructured knowledge


CogniSwitch uses the LLM's Natural Language prowess to help gather concepts, entities and their relationships from the knowledge provided


Unlike tradition RAG, CogniSwitch handles the storage of the mined concepts in a relational database like a Knowledge Graph, so that developers can focus on development rather than worry about storage mechanisms


Just like that you’re ready to query your knowledge from any tool of your choice. Provide the knowledge your teams or customers need where it’s most convenient for them  

Introduce Your Organization To Enterprise AI

Powerful REST APIs

Start leveraging Graph RAG and ensure accuracy, consistency and explainability in Gen AI Application. Manage data ingestion, query and responses, access control and more with our REST APIs.

Take a free trial and get a 100k tokens free
Try Our APIs
A GPT Bot within MS Teams

to help your team chat with your knowledge base and get all their answers. Boost productivity, and discoverability of information without worrying about data security and privacy.

Take a free trial and get a 100k tokens free
Try Enterprise GPT

How Mod Op is Helping American Society of
Civil Engineers with AI Adoption

"CogniSwitch is radically transforming bodies of knowledge. Our client, ASCE has witnessed CogniSwitch’s impact first hand, potentially saving 1000s of man-hours. AI Powered systems built on top of CogniSwitch drive user satisfaction and enable new monetization possibilities."

Len Gilbert
EVP, Head of Strategic Consulting at ModOp

Ready to start shipping reliable GenAI apps faster?

Build genrative AI into any business process with secure enterprise platform